In December of 1913 a meeting was called upon at the Clarence Hotel in Barnstaple form a new club for badger digging with several interested terriermen and the result was the Barnstaple and North Devon Badger Club. The following information comes from several sources including the clubs booklet released the end of the first season in early 1914.

Master. H.J.F. Stewart, C.O.H., St. Germans, Ilfracombe
Deputy Master. W.A. Collins, High Street, Barnstaple
General Secretary & Treasurer. W.L. Barret, C.O.H., Victoria Road, Barnstaple
Local Secretaries.
West District-T. Tucker, Caddsdown, Bideford
South District-F. Vickery, Chittlehampton
East District-J. Baker, The Grange, Bratton Fleming.
Hon. Solicitor. T. Fairchild Day, Ilfracombe
Hon. Chaplain. Rev. P.Marshall, High Bray.
Hon. Veterinary Surgeon. R.G. Linton, Barnstaple.
Taxidermist. Rowe, High Street, Barnstaple
Headquarters. The Clarence Hotel, Barnstaple
Committee. L. Baker, C.W. Nurton, H. Grenny, Arthur B. Heinemann, L.W. Barrett, W.A. Collins and H.J.F. Stewart.
Vice-Presidents. Major R.W.E. Parker, Walter Hutton, Esq.; (President, Sheffield and District Working Terrier Association).; Rev. P. Marshall, R.S. Crosse, Esq.; A.B. Incledon Webber, Esq.; H.J.F. Stewart, Esq.; Rev. E. Wickham, Arthur B. Heinimann (Founder Devon and Somerset Badger Club).; Captain Adrian Incledon Webber, M.A. Nixon, Esq.; Fred Day, Esq.; F.R.G.S.; R. Webb Haine, Esq.; H. Hanines, Esq.; J.P.; A.E. Arnold, Henry Haynes, Esq.; Michael Snell, Esq.
the objectives.
1: The Promotion of Badger digging
2: The preservation and interest in Badgers generally (no digging takes place during breeding season and for weeks prior to same all sows are liberated.)
3: The discouragement of promiscuous digging by unauthorized persons, often out of season and frequently not in harmony with hunting interest.
4: The breeding and training of working terriers and the issue of working certificates for same.
Members owning one of more working terriers 5/- per annum (January to December).
Members not owning a working terrier 7/6 per annum (January to December).
A larger subscription is required from gentlemen residing outside of Devon.
Owners and Occupiers, Shooting tenants Etc..who preserve Badgers for the Club, are elected Honorary Members without subscription.
District Hunted.
The Club, unless by special invitation, does not operate further west than Hartland, east than Lynton and south then Eggsford.
Financial position.
The Club is on a sound financial basis and the liability of the members is limited to the amount of their annual subscription.
Within two months of the formation of the club, the membership approached 100 and is rapidly increasing.
The number of members’ terriers enrolled is over 35 couple, and includes some of the best working blood in Devon. The stud service of some of these are free to members approved bitches. All members terriers have ample opportunity of entering to “Brock” and if accompanied by members are worked at each dig, on qualifying, working certificates are granted.
Various prizes are kindly offered by the Committee and other gentlemen. The Master has offered a Cup for the best working terrier (not open for competition for terriers owned by the Deputy Master and himself.)
Hunt Dinner.
An annual dinner will probably be arranged, Farmers, Etc., preserving Badgers will be guest of the club.
Meets are arranged at as regular intervals as possible, and on days suitable alike to all. Notification is given in advance to all members of meets in their district, by means of the usual hunt cards or announcements in local press under “hunting appointments”. As the club conducts its hunts in a legal, open and sportsmanlike manner, it does not shrink from publicity and invariably each meet is reported in both local press and then leading sporting and kennel journals. No exception to the methods of the Club can be take by the most ardent supporters of the various protection societies doing such good work on behalf of animals.
Information respecting Badgers, Etc.
Any information resecting Badgers is always welcomed by the Club. Gentlemen interested in Badgers, desirous of joining the club, wishing further information, hunts arranged or badgers removed, should communicate with the headquarters of the club, the Master, of the General or Local Secretaries.
The members Terriers of the 1913/1914 season, showing several well known Terriermen using Sealyhams, Fox terriers, Bedlington, Border, Parson Russell terriers and crosses using Sealyhams with the above mentioned breeds.
Barum Jack
Barum Trixie
Barum Rags
Barum Vic
Barum Rose
Barum Saucy
Barum Joe
Barum Spot
Barum Faith
Barum Nell
Barum Bob
Bideford Stella
Bideford Rattler
Bideford Bob
Bideford Jack
Bratton Bob
Braunton Nell
Clarence Gipsey
Clarence Jimmy
Clarence Nailor
Clarence Jack
Clarence Bob
Clarence Spites
Clovelly Dash
Cornwall Puzzle
Champion Tally Ho
Derby Jane
Derby Boysey
Derby Boogie
Eggsford Jack
Inwood Mick
Inwood Sting
Ilfracombe Gipsey
Ilfracombe Vic
Ilfracombe Vixen
Ilfracombe Turk
Ilfracombe Teaser
Ilfracombe Trixie
Ilfracombe Betsey
Ilfracombe Bingo
Ilfracombe Nell
Ilfracombe Scut
Ilfracombe Jack
Ilfracombe Pete
Lynton Lad
Lynton Lass
Molton Image
Molton Queenie
Mixed Grill
Nympton Pleader
Porlock Vic
Porlock Vent
Porlock Pest
Porlock Peter
Porlock Pat
Porlock Bingo
Porlock Nettle
Porlock Venom
Porlock Venus
Porlock Spot
Porlock Lasca
Porlock Lorrie
Porlock Gerry
Porlock Nestor
Porlock Nora
Porlock Nip
Porlock Rattler
Queen’s Worker
Rutland Whitney
Seaton Jack
Winsford Zib
Williton Dapper
Western Jack
Western Rose