Unnown for the Preston Herald

Our notes last week on the Patterdale terrier have aroused the interest of the terrier lovers who apparently believe the Kennel Club list of terriers for which classes are provided at shows comprised all known varieties of the terrier family. “I had know idea”, writes “Twister”, “that the so-called Patterdale terrier existed, never having come across him or having ever heard his name. I always thought the kennel club list was an exhaustive one.”

So it is of the recognized breeds, and as far as English varieties are concerned it is to be hoped that it will never be added to. At the same time, there are quite a number of unrecognized sub-varieties, which become a little confusing when the admirers give them distinctive names and exploit them as a distinct breed. For example, we remember years ago being interested by a new discovery of a new breed of terrier. Other fanciers had travelled the world over to find something fresh in the dog line; to us had fallen the privilege of stumbling across a jewel overlooked by the less observant.

Some of the dogs in question are doubtless still cherished favorites, so lest we hurt anyone’s feelings we call them the Blanksire terrier, Blankshire in this instance being Wales. Investigation proved that the dog was more or less then a coarsely breed fox terrier badly marked. Any fancier could manufacture a few Blankshire terrier for his own edification without the slightest difficulty. Of course the dogs had their good points; they extremely strong, very hardy, very game, and they were used by a few sporting spirits if the neighborhood for work. Though pertaining not for bolting-they were too big. Now such a strain as this may be extremely useful, but why should it be foisted on the public when after all the showing process would simply turn it from a Blankshire into a fox terrier!